March 13 – Mark 12:13-27


You Can’t Fool Jesus!

Trina Carter


“If you take these expensive pills, you will lose 20 pounds per week without diet or exercise!” or “You have inherited a large sum of money from someone in a foreign country. I will deposit these funds into your bank account if you give me your account information.” We’ve all heard about or experienced situations where people were trying to fool us.  Some people fall for these tricks and end up with monthly shipments of a worthless product. Or they discover that their bank account has been emptied.


Both the Jewish leaders and the Sadducees in today’s reading were trying to fool Jesus. They tried to trick Him into saying something inconsistent with the Word and teachings of God. Both times they failed- they could not trick Jesus. He did not fall for their false flattery or seemingly innocent questions. He did not stray from God’s teachings, but told each group of men the correct answers according to God’s Word. The devil encourages all types of deception. But he especially loves         deceptive “biblical” teachings or conversations, because the consequences are far more serious than losing money- we might be led away from our relationship with God. 


We should study God’s Word often so we are able to recognize when someone is trying to trick us into turning away from God. And we should ask for the Holy Spirit to help us learn and grow in God’s word. We don’t want anyone to fool us- the stakes are way too important! 


We pray:

God, thank you for giving us Your Word, and for giving us Your Holy Spirit to help us understand your teachings. Please guide us and strengthen our knowledge of Your word so we don’t get fooled and led away from You. Thank you God! Amen.

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