March 8 – Mark 10:13-31


All Things are Possible with God

Liz Crawley

In verses 17-29, Jesus is talking with a wealthy man who seeks to enter heaven. The verse does not go into detail over what was the man’s wealth. Could it have been a luxurious home and a vast amount of land? Could his wealth have included his wife and children or a business with workers that he feels responsibility over? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how wealthy or what was his wealth. It does matter that he walked away sad, believing it would be impossible to give it up for Jesus.


I am sad for this man and for myself. I could not have followed Jesus if I had been this man. Even with the promise Jesus offers in verse 29 to receive a hundred times as much in this present age, I could not leave my wealth and follow Jesus. Thankfully, Jesus understood this about man. He said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (verse 25.) He knows that it is impossible for men, but goes on by telling His disciples that “all things are possible with God.”


Jesus is not commanding that I give up my wealth. Instead, He is telling me that I need to love Him more than my wealth. Jesus reminds me who God is and how truly amazing is His love for us because He knows our struggles and knows that we can’t get through them alone. He wants us to give everything we  treasure and every challenge we face to Him, just so He can help us.  He is such a loving  Father and God.


We pray:

Dear Lord, please forgive me for each time I have given into fear of the impossible. I can not thank you enough for all that you   provide. Please bless the reader with the knowledge that you are always near when they face the impossible, and you will see them through it.

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