Sunday Morning Worship
Traditional Service: 8:00 am – 9:05 am
Blended Service: 10:30 am – 11:35 am
Holy Communion is served every Sunday at both services.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Should I Expect Sunday Morning?
We have two services on Sunday morning: 8:00 am and 10:30 am with a short fellowship time from 9:00am – 9:20am and a Bible Study time with options available for all ages from 9:20am – 10:15am. Our services start with a short welcome and worshiping God through song. We offer both a traditional worship service at 8:00am and a blended worship service at 10:30am. Our services usually include a time of confession & forgiveness, scripture readings, a children’s message, a time of teaching from the pastor, gathering God’s gifts of His people, prayer, Holy Communion, Benediction/Sending and a final song. In between our two services we invite you to stay and get to know people over coffee and snacks. We also invite anyone who would like prayer for anything to stick around and receive prayer.
How Should I Dress?
We are a casual community of people, so feel free to come as you are. If you enjoy dressing up, feel free to do that too.
Am I Expected To Give Money?
It is important to us that guests do not feel pressured to give. The Bible teaches that giving should not be done out of compulsion, but rather a heart of worship. Our primary concern is that you connect with Jesus.
How Can I Learn More?
During any service you can mark “I would like to talk to a pastor” on the fellowship tablets. One of our pastors will reach out to you during the following week.