March 2 – Mark 8:1-21



The Kuntz Family 

Wow! These disciples! They just don’t get it! He already fed the 5,000 and in Mark 8:4 they wonder how He will provide for the 4,000? Really? We would have known Jesus could do anything and had faith. . . right? Well. . .

In our family, we have seen God’s abundant provision, His extravagant love, in big and little instances such as daily provision of food, clothing, shelter, and safety as well as finding a favorite animal figure on clearance for the exact amount of the store birthday coupon. And yet, every day we wonder anew how God will provide the next time. We doubt, we worry, we forget that our All-Powerful God has already handled it all. Very humbling. I guess like the disciples, we would have wondered how to feed the next group, too! Thanks be to God that despite our lack of faith, He is faithful. “And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.”  “And the seven for the four thousand?” And they said to him, “Seven.” (Mark 8:18-20) He provides beyond what we need and encourages us to remember what He has done in the past and trust Him for the future!


Dear Jesus, Your ultimate extravagant love for us on the cross was enough for all time and yet You continue to show Your love in our lives! Thank you! Please help us to rest in You each day. Amen

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